Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Two Canadian Wolves, Shultz and Ingham

... what has happened to the church of today? How did we get so cautious and self-concerned? When did we lose the faith to say to God, "Not my will, but yours?"
...did we quit trusting God just because God is ready to move us around a little?
...when we are silent enough to let God do the talking, God often surprises us with new directions." -Schutz

"We are saying to the church that our love for the Gospel is undiminished here. We are saying that our commitment to the church cannot be questioned. Indeed our actions have been intended to serve the church in obedience to the Spirit." -Ingham

1 comment:

Mwalimu Daudi said...

Let God do the talking? Actually, it is the leadership of the mainline denominations that have begun to move the first of the Ten Commandments in a new direction. Accordingly it now reads "I myself am the LORD My God, I will have no other gods before myself."

The good ship ELCA...

The good ship ELCA...
Or the Shellfish blog...