Thursday, May 11, 2006

If you can't play by the rules, declare there are no rules

...and end it by saying, "Bless me, Father"! Really, read this resolution and tell me what you think:

A Neutral Stance that Addresses the Ministry of Gay and Lesbian Persons

WHEREAS, the 2005 Churchwide Assembly of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America adopted without amendment 'Recommendation One of the 2005 ELCA Church Council, committing this church; asking every part of the ELCA - congregations, synods, institutions, agencies and churchwide units, "to seek unity in the midst of our disagreements over matters of sexuality"; and

WHEREAS, the 2005 Churchwide Assembly, *Recommendation One, directed action "to concentrate on Finding ways to live together faithfully in the midst of disagreements, recognizing the God-given mission and communion that we share as members of the body of Christ"; and

WHEREAS, it is the churchwide organization's responsibility through decisions of the CWA and Church Council to develop "churchwide policies in consultation with the synods and congregations" *(ELCA Constitution 8.14) and it is each synod's responsibility to "provide for pastoral care of the congregations, ordained ministers, associates in ministry, deaconnesses, and diaconal ministers within its boundaries" tt(ELCA Constitution. 8.13).

WHEREAS, gratitude is expressed to the Grand Canyon Synod for adoption of the Resolution of Welcome at its 2005 Assembly specifically declaring that 'all persons regardless of race, ancestry, color, citizenship, religious background, sexual orientation, age, gender identity, marital status, ability, economic status, or primary language share with all others the worth that comes from being unique individuals created by God, are welcome within the membership of the synod, and that, as members, are welcome to full participation in the organizational and sacramental life of this church'.

WHEREAS, there are many instances where congregations have expressed their willingness to receive the ministry of partnered gay and lesbian pastors and leaders as well as those congregations not willing; and

WHEREAS, St. Paul writes in Ephesians 4:3-5: "...making every effort to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to the one hope of your calling, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is above ail and through all and in all."

Now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, That the Grand Canyon Synod shall take a neutral stance, neither in favor of nor prohibiting the rostering of otherwise-qualified persons in a mutual, chaste, and faithful same-gender partnership; and be it further

RESOLVED, That those congregations of this Grand Canyon Synod that choose to call and those that choose not to call otherwise-qualified persons in a same-gender partnership shall be seen as being faithful to the Word of God.

Submitted by: The Congregation Council of Faith Lutheran Church, Phoenix, Arizona


Katie Kilcrease said...


Anonymous said...

So I guess Resolution 2 and 3 mean nothing. The only vote that counted was Resolution 1. Have to admit, I thought that made the other two useless.

Peace in the Lord!
Rob Buechler

The good ship ELCA...

The good ship ELCA...
Or the Shellfish blog...