Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Spiritual Gifts and Hard Choices

Spiritual Gifts and Hard Choices
by Sarah Wilson — March 15, 2009
Lutheran Forum

"Such biblical passages inspired Bonhoeffer’s Cost of Discipleship, which we all read and loved at seminary, with little sense of the real, painful, even devastating demands it would make on our own lives.

"The whole conversation we are having about the ordination of homosexuals troubles me among other reasons because it assumes that there should be an easy, happy solution. I see nothing in the Scriptures to make me think this would be the case. I see promises of persecutions; also promises of rewards for those who can endure; but nothing to indicate to me that I should be absolved of the need for hard choices, genuine sacrifices, real heartbreak."

Read it all:

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The good ship ELCA...

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