Saturday, December 01, 2007

Help Wanted

The following advertisement appears in the latest (December 2007) issue of The Lutheran magazine:
EXECUTIVE for DISCERNMENT OF CONTEXTUAL AND THEOLOGICAL ISSUES, Office of the Presiding Bishop — will exercise considerable discretion and judgment in serving as executive assistant to the presiding bishop; assisting in both taking the initiative on and responding to current theological, ecumenical, and social/cultural issues and trends; serves as a theological resource to the officers of this church and is responsible overseeing the response to correspondence of the presiding bishop. Chicago-based. For a full-job description or to apply visit or contact ELCA, Human Resources, 8765 W. Higgins Rd, Chicago, IL 60631; 800-638-3522 ext 2986; E-mail: Apply by Dec. 15, 2007.
As a courtesy, Shellfish provides a link to the full job description for the Executive for Discernment of Contextual and Theological Issues. We don't want you thinking we made it up.


Anonymous said...

Perhaps I'm just too partisan, too something-or-other, but what is this? Does Hanson think that if he has a specialist in trends he can get the good ship ELCA through the coming storm in better shape that TEC's Schori?

Or what is this? Someone put a positive spin on it so those who have given up on the ELCA are not confirmed in their thinking that Hanson is hiring a director of thought police, making spin an official portfolio?

Shrimp said...

Cap'n, I see a lot of big words, each word dripping of high bureaucracy. I'm just a pinheaded shrimp. You expect me to interpret it? I think we find a clue in two phrases within all that bafflegab: "executive assistant to the presiding bishop" (which sounds like a saner title for this position) and "overseeing the response to correspondence of the presiding bishop." But what this means beyond reading the PB's mail, I dunno.'


The good ship ELCA...

The good ship ELCA...
Or the Shellfish blog...