Monday, October 31, 2005

Why no word on Metro NY?

Shrimp here: I could tell you that the Sargaso sea is very wide and I have not made it home to my octopus's garden to be with you. But the truth is I am so sick from the dog and pony show that I witnessed there that I have not been able to get a story out.

That these folks are all ordained, that they not only made it through scrutiny but now are the ones that do the scrutiny is enough to make an anabaptist out of you, if not an atheist.

I'll get to it in a day or two.

In the meantime, call your bishop and ask him why you should have any confidence in the structure of the ELCA. When a bishop and his executive committe would plot to overturn an Assembly vote that was a four year process, why his fellow bishops are not demanding at least a hearing, if not his hide, I just can't say.

I'm so angry I think I'll leave the ELCA but keep fighting it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Shrimp, don't leave yet. We need you for the fight. Come to Brooklyn Park for the forming of a confessional association Nov. 6-8. This is far from over, but you have more allies across the ELCA and I, for one, am in it for the long haul. My prayers are with you.

The good ship ELCA...

The good ship ELCA...
Or the Shellfish blog...